159 A North Magnolia Street, Gramercy, LA 70052
- Type: Real Estate
- Suit #: 42173
- Date Writ Issued: 05/01/2024
- Amount on Writ:
- Plaintiff Attorney: Dean Morris, L.L.C.
- Attorney Phone Number: 318-388-1440
- Property Status: For Sale
- Sale Date: 10/09/2024
- Sold Amount:
ONE CERTAIN LOT OF GROUND, situated in the Town of Gramercy, Parish of St. James, State of Louisiana, being a Resubdivision of Lots 7 and 8 into Lots 7A and 8A, of the Colonial Sugars Company’s Subdivision of a portion of David Plantation all as per survey by Riverlands Surveying Company dated May 8, 2009 which is attached to act recorded at COB 434, Folio 180 in the Parish of St. James, State of Louisiana. Said portion of ground being more fully described as: Said Lot 8A measures 81.94 feet front on N. Magnolia Street, same width in the rear, by a depth of 111.15 feet between equal and parallel lines, together with all buildings and improvements thereon and thereunto belonging; subject to restrictions, servitudes, rights-of-way and outstanding mineral rights of record affecting the property.
The municipal address of the above-described property is 159 A North Magnolia Street, Gramercy, LA 70052.
Sold WITH APPRAISEMENT, according to law, to the highest bidder, at public auction.
TERMS OF SALE: The Bidder must provide a letter of credit from a financial institute before the bidding begins. Full purchase price must be paid in Cash or Cashier’s Check no later than noon on the Friday following the sale. Failure to comply with terms of sale will result in ban of purchaser from future bidding at Sheriff Sales.
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