Sheriff Martin announced that Shea Poche’ has been named the recipient of an academic scholarship from the Louisiana Sheriffs’ Scholarship Program for the 2016-2017 school year. Shea resides in Paulina and plans to attend Louisiana State University and pursue a degree in Mathematics with a concentration in Actuarial Science. She is the daughter of Michael & Paula Poche’.
The Sheriffs’ Scholarship is made possible by the Louisiana Sheriffs’ Honorary Membership Program (LSHMP). Louisiana Sheriffs provide scholarships to graduating high school students from each parish where the Sheriff is an affiliate of the Program.
Qualities such as academic achievement, leadership and character are considered in making selections of Sheriffs’ scholarship recipients. The only limitations are that applicants be permanent residents of Louisiana; scholarships be utilized in higher education within the State; and students be enrolled as full-time, undergraduate students. Scholarships will be awarded in sixty-three parishes throughout the state.
In closing, Sheriff Martin said, ‘œAcademic awards by the Louisiana Sheriffs’ Scholarship Program to Louisiana students demonstrate what the LSHMP is all about. This is one of our finest accomplishments. It invests in Louisiana’s future and gives something back to our community. This would not be possible without the kind and generous support of St. James Parish’s Honorary Members.’